Interesting Links for December 2022
Here are some interesting things I read on the internet in December 2022:
- 7 things I learned from Haskell
- Intrinsically Typed ASTs
- Probability monads from scratch in 100 lines of Haskell
- Staged programming with typeclasses
- Nix: Reasonable Default Configs
- Setting up my new laptop: nix style
- Using PRs in Nixpkgs before they actually land in Nixpkgs
- From Ubuntu to NixOS the story of a mastodon migration
- Playing with ActivityPub
- Scaling Mastodon: the compendium
- Self-hosting Mastodon on NixOS, a proof-of-concept
- Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT
- ChatGPT helped me design a brand new programming language
- I Taught ChatGPT to Invent a Language
Programming Languages Theory/Compilers
- 26 programming languages in 25 days, Part 1: Strategy, tactics and logistics
- A compiler’s users
- Building the fastest Lua interpreter.. automatically!
- Coroutines as threads
- Goodbye to the C++ Implementation of Zig
- Sigils are an underappreciated programming technology