A* Algorithm in Haskell
The start of the Advent of code today reminded me of the A* algorithm, which I often find myself using for graph pathfinding related problems.
If there is a heuristic function known that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from a node in the graph to the goal node, then A* can perform better than other search algorithms like Breadth-first Search and Best-first Search by cutting down on the number of nodes visited.
So without further ado, here is my well-commented implementation of the A* algorithm in Haskell12:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module AStar (astar) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQ
import qualified Data.Set as Set
astar ::
forall node cost. (Ord node, Ord cost, Num cost) =>
-- | The start node.
node ->
-- | The goal node.
node ->
-- | The function to get the next nodes and their costs from a given node.
(node -> [(node, cost)]) ->
-- | The heuristic function to estimate the cost of going from a given node to
-- the goal node.
(node -> node -> cost) ->
-- | Returns Nothing if no path found.
-- Else returns Just (path cost, path as a list of nodes).
Maybe (cost, [node])
astar startNode goalNode nextNodes heuristic =
(PQ.singleton (heuristic startNode goalNode) (startNode, 0))
(Map.singleton startNode 0)
astar' ::
-- | The set of discovered nodes that need to be visited, stored
-- in a min-priority queue prioritized by sum of costs of reaching to
-- the nodes from the start node, and heuristic costs of reaching
-- from the nodes to the goal node.
PQ.MinPQueue cost (node, cost) ->
-- | The set of already visited nodes.
Set.Set node ->
-- | The map of visited or discovered nodes to the currently known minimum
-- costs from the start node to the nodes.
Map.Map node cost ->
-- | The map of visited nodes to the previous nodes in the currently known
-- best path from the start node.
Map.Map node node ->
-- | Returns Nothing if no path found.
-- Else returns Just (path cost, path as a list of nodes).
Maybe (cost, [node])
astar' !discovered !visited !minCosts tracks
-- If the discovered set is empty then the search has failed. Return Nothing.
| PQ.null discovered = Nothing
-- If the current node is the goal node then return the current node cost and
-- path to the current node constructed from the tracks.
| node == goalNode = Just (cost, findPath tracks node)
-- If the current node has already been visited then discard it and continue.
| node `Set.member` visited =
astar' discoveredSansCurrent visited minCosts tracks
-- Else visit the current node and continue.
| otherwise =
-- Add the current node to the visited set.
visited' = Set.insert node visited
-- Find the successor nodes of the current node that have not been
-- visited yet, along with their costs and heuristic costs.
successors =
[ (node', cost', heuristic node' goalNode)
| (node', nodeCost) <- nextNodes node, -- Get next nodes.
node' `Set.notMember` visited', -- Keep only unvisited ones.
let cost' = cost + nodeCost, -- Cost of the next node.
-- Keep only unvisited nodes, or previously visited nodes now
-- discovered via less costly paths.
node' `Map.notMember` minCosts || cost' < minCosts Map.! node'
-- Insert the successors in the discovered set.
discovered' = foldl' (\q (n, c, h) -> PQ.insert (c + h) (n, c) q)
discoveredSansCurrent successors
-- Insert the successor costs in the minimum cost map.
minCosts' = foldl' (\m (n, c, _) -> Map.insert n c m) minCosts successors
-- Insert the tracks of the successors.
tracks' = foldl' (\m (n, _, _) -> Map.insert n node m) tracks successors
-- Continue via recursion.
in astar' discovered' visited' minCosts' tracks'
-- Get (and delete) the node with minimum cost and its cost from the
-- discovered set.
((_, (node, cost)), discoveredSansCurrent) = PQ.deleteFindMin discovered
-- Construct the path of the given node from the start node using the
-- recorded tracks.
findPath tracks node =
if Map.member node tracks
then findPath tracks (tracks Map.! node) ++ [node]
else [node]
That’s it for this short post. Happy pathfinding!
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I use the Set and Map container data structures from the containers library, and the minimum priority queue data structure from the the pqueue library. ↩
extension is needed here to write the type signature of theastar'
function. We can omit the signature without any loss of functionality, and then we can remove the extension as well. ↩