Abhinav's Notes

Advent of Code 2020 ā€” Week 3

Iā€™m solving the Advent of Code 2020 in the Haskell REPL (GHCi). You can copy the code and paste it in GHCi to play with it. Here are my solutions for week 3 (Dec 13ā€“19):

Day 13

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/13


import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
input <- lines <$> readFile "/tmp/input13"
startT = read (input !! 0) :: Int
busIds =  map read . filter (/= "x") . splitOn "," $ input !! 1 :: [Int]
(t, busId) =
  head [ (x, busId) | x <- [startT..], busId <- busIds, x `mod` busId == 0 ]
(t - startT) * busId -- part 1
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
busIds@((_,jump):_) = catMaybes
  . zipWith (\i x -> if x == "x" then Nothing else Just $ (i, read x)) [0..]
  . splitOn ","
  $ input !! 1 :: [(Int, Int)]
step (jump, t) (inc, bid) =
  ( jump * bid
  , head [ t' | i <- [1..], let t' = t + jump * i, (t' + inc) `mod` bid == 0 ] )
snd $ foldl step (jump, 0) $ tail busIds -- part 2

Day 14

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/14


-- First, copy-paste the parser framework from day 7
-- Next, parse the input:
data Ins = SetMask String | SetMem Int Int deriving (Show)
mask = SetMask <$> (string "mask = " *> some (char 'X' <|> char '1' <|> char '0'))
mem = SetMem <$> (string "mem[" *> num) <*> (string "] = " *> num)
program = (mask <|> mem) `separatedBy` char '\n'
Just prog <- flip runParser program <$> readFile "/tmp/input14"

-- Next, solve the problem:
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import Data.Bits (setBit, clearBit, testBit)
SetMask startMask = head prog
run1 (mask, mem) = \case
  SetMask mask' -> (mask', mem)
  SetMem index value -> (mask, M.insert index (applyMask value) mem)
    applyMask value = foldl overrideBits value bitsToSet
    bitsToSet = filter ((/= 'X') . snd) . zip [0..] $ reverse mask
    overrideBits x (i, b) = if b == '0' then clearBit x i else setBit x i
runProg run = sum . M.elems . snd . foldl run (startMask, M.empty) $ tail prog
runProg run1 -- part 1

float = \case { 'X' -> ['1', '0']; x -> [x] }
expand [x] = [[x'] | x' <- float x]
expand (x:xs) = [(x':xs') | xs' <- expand xs, x' <- float x]

run2 (mask, mem) = \case
  SetMask mask' -> (mask', mem)
  SetMem index value ->
    (mask, foldl (\m i -> M.insert i value m) mem $ applyMask index)
    applyMask = map fromBitString
      . expand
      . zipWith (\m b -> if m == '0' then b else m) mask
      . toBitString
    toBitString x = map (\i -> if testBit x i then '1' else '0') [35,34..0]
    fromBitString = foldl (\x (i, b) -> if b == '1' then setBit x i else x) 0
      . zip [0..]
      . reverse
runProg run2 -- part 2

Day 15

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/15


:set -XLambdaCase
:set -XStrict
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as V
import Control.Monad (forM_)
play lastSaid (now:rest) n lastSaidTime =
  if n == now
  then return lastSaid
  else do
    lt <- V.read lastSaidTime lastSaid
    V.write lastSaidTime lastSaid (now - 1)
    if lt == -1
      then play 0 rest n lastSaidTime
      else play (now - 1 - lt) rest n lastSaidTime
input = [8,13,1,0,18,9]
start = length input + 1
lastSaidTime <- V.replicate 2020 (-1) :: IO (V.IOVector Int)
forM_ (zip input [1..]) $ \(x, i) -> V.write lastSaidTime x i
play (last input) [start..] 2021 lastSaidTime >>= print -- part1

lastSaidTime <- V.replicate 30000000 (-1) :: IO (V.IOVector Int)
forM_ (zip input [1..]) $ \(x, i) -> V.write lastSaidTime x i
play (last input) [start..] 30000001 lastSaidTime >>= print -- part2

Day 16

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/16


-- First, copy-paste the parser framework from day 7
-- Next, parse the input:
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
input <- splitOn "\n\n" <$> readFile "/tmp/input16"
fieldValP = (,) <$> (num <* char '-') <*> num
fieldValsP = fieldValP `separatedBy` string " or "
fieldNameP = word `separatedBy` space
fieldSpecP = (\name val -> (concat name, val))
  <$> (fieldNameP <* string ": ") <*> fieldValsP
fieldSpecsP = fieldSpecP `separatedBy` char '\n'
Just fieldSpecs = runParser (input !! 0) fieldSpecsP
myTicket = map read . splitOn "," . (!! 1). lines $ input !! 1 :: [Int]
nearbyTickets = map (map read . splitOn ",") . tail . lines $ (input !! 2) :: [[Int]]

-- Next, solve the problem:
invalidFields = filter $ \val ->
  not $ any (\(_, ranges) -> any (\(x, y) -> val >= x && val <= y) ranges) fieldSpecs
sum $ concatMap invalidFields nearbyTickets -- part 1

validNearbyTickets = filter (null . invalidFields) nearbyTickets
import Data.List (transpose, nub, isPrefixOf)
fieldPossibilities = zip [0..]
  . map (\vals -> nub . map fst $ filter (allValsInRange vals) fieldSpecs)
  $ transpose validNearbyTickets
    allValsInRange vals (name, ranges) =
      all (\val -> any (\(x, y) -> val >= x && val <= y) ranges) vals
prune possibilities =
  if sum (map (length . snd) possibilities) == length possibilities
  then map (fmap head) possibilities
  else let fixedPossibilities = filter ((== 1) . length . snd) possibilities
           prunedPossibilities = flip map possibilities $ \(id, fns) ->
             if id `elem` map fst fixedPossibilities
             then (id, fns)
             else (id, filter (`notElem` concatMap snd fixedPossibilities) fns)
       in prune prunedPossibilities
part2 = product
  . map ((myTicket !!) . fst)
  . filter (("departure" `isPrefixOf`) . snd)
  $ prune fieldPossibilities

Day 17

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/17

This problem is too big to be solved in GHCi so I wrote the solution in a file and compiled with GHC with optimizations.


-- run with  +RTS -H8g -A64m -n4m -s -qg0 -N
module Main where

import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import Data.List (foldl')

data Z a = Z [a] a [a]

zLeft, zRight :: Z a -> Z a
zLeft ~(Z (x:xs) f r) = Z xs x (f:r)
zRight ~(Z l f (x:xs)) = Z (f:l) x xs

iterate1 :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate1 f = tail . iterate f

instance Functor Z where
  fmap f (Z l a r) = Z (fmap f l) (f a) (fmap f r)

instance Comonad Z where
  extract (Z _ f _) = f
  duplicate z = Z (iterate1 zLeft z) z (iterate1 zRight z)

newtype Z2 a = Z2 (Z (Z a))

z2Up, z2Down, z2Left, z2Right :: Z2 a -> Z2 a
z2Up (Z2 z) = Z2 (zLeft z)
z2Down (Z2 z) = Z2 (zRight z)
z2Left (Z2 z) = Z2 (fmap zLeft z)
z2Right (Z2 z) = Z2 (fmap zRight z)

instance Functor Z2 where
  fmap f (Z2 z) = Z2 (fmap (fmap f) z)

instance Comonad Z2 where
  extract (Z2 z) = extract . extract $ z
  duplicate = Z2 . fmap horizontal . vertical
      horizontal z = Z (iterate1 z2Left z) z (iterate1 z2Right z)
      vertical z = Z (iterate1 z2Up z) z (iterate1 z2Down z)

newtype Z3 a = Z3 (Z (Z2 a))

z3Backward, z3Forward, z3Up, z3Down, z3Left, z3Right :: Z3 a -> Z3 a
z3Backward (Z3 z) = Z3 (zLeft z)
z3Forward (Z3 z) = Z3 (zRight z)
z3Up (Z3 z) = Z3 (fmap z2Up z)
z3Down (Z3 z) = Z3 (fmap z2Down z)
z3Left (Z3 z) = Z3 (fmap z2Left z)
z3Right (Z3 z) = Z3 (fmap z2Right z)

instance Functor Z3 where
  fmap f (Z3 z) = Z3 (fmap (fmap f) z)

instance Comonad Z3 where
  extract (Z3 z) = extract . extract $ z
  duplicate = Z3 . fmap (Z2 . fmap horizontal . vertical) . depthical
    horizontal z = Z (iterate1 z3Left z) z (iterate1 z3Right z)
    vertical z = Z (iterate1 z3Up z) z (iterate1 z3Down z)
    depthical z = Z (iterate1 z3Backward z) z (iterate1 z3Forward z)

data State = Active | Inactive deriving (Show, Eq)

readInput :: [String] -> [[State]]
readInput = map (map (\x -> case x of {'.'  -> Inactive; ~'#' -> Active}))

inactiveLine :: Z State
inactiveLine = Z (repeat Inactive) Inactive (repeat Inactive)

inactivePlain :: Z2 State
inactivePlain = Z2 $ Z (repeat inactiveLine) inactiveLine (repeat inactiveLine)

inputTo3dGrid :: [[State]] -> Z3 State
inputTo3dGrid input = let
    zs = map (\(x:xs) -> Z (repeat Inactive) x (xs ++ repeat Inactive)) input
    z2 = Z2 $ Z (repeat inactiveLine) (head zs) (tail zs ++ repeat inactiveLine)
  in Z3 $ Z (repeat inactivePlain) z2 (repeat inactivePlain)

mkMove :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> a
mkMove awayMove closeMove n
  | n == 0 = id
  | n < 0 = applyNTimes (abs n) awayMove
  | otherwise = applyNTimes n closeMove
    applyNTimes n' f = foldr (.) id (replicate n' f)

to3dMove :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Z3 a -> Z3 a)
to3dMove (x, y, z) =
  mkMove z3Left z3Right x
  . mkMove z3Up z3Down y
  . mkMove z3Backward z3Forward z

scanPoint :: Comonad w => w State -> Int
scanPoint grid = case extract grid of { Active -> 1; Inactive -> 0 }

scan :: Int -> (w a -> Int) -> (w a -> w a) -> w a -> Int
scan n lowerDimScanner move grid = fst $
  foldl' (\(activeCount, g) _ -> (lowerDimScanner g + activeCount, move g))
    (0, grid) [0..n-1]

scanVolume :: Int -> Z3 State -> Int
scanVolume n = scan n (scan n (scan n scanPoint z3Right) z3Down) z3Forward

neighbours3d :: (Int, Int) -> Z3 State -> Int
neighbours3d (start, end) =
  scanVolume (end - start + 1) . to3dMove (start, start, start)

type ActiveCount w = w State -> Int
type Rule w = w State -> State

mkRule :: Comonad w => ActiveCount w -> Rule w
mkRule activeCount grid =
  let focus = extract grid
      activeNs = activeCount grid - if focus == Active then 1 else 0
  in case focus of
    Active -> if activeNs `elem` [2, 3] then Active else Inactive
    Inactive -> if activeNs == 3 then Active else Inactive

simulate :: Comonad w => Int -> (w a -> a) -> w a -> w a
simulate cycles rule = (!! cycles) . iterate (extend rule)

finalActiveCount :: Comonad w => Int -> Rule w -> ActiveCount w -> w State -> Int
finalActiveCount cycles rule activeCount = activeCount . simulate cycles rule

newtype Z4 a = Z4 (Z (Z3 a))

z4Outward, z4Inward, z4Backward, z4Forward, z4Up, z4Down, z4Left, z4Right ::
  Z4 a -> Z4 a
z4Outward (Z4 z) = Z4 (zLeft z)
z4Inward (Z4 z) = Z4 (zRight z)
z4Backward (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Backward z)
z4Forward (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Forward z)
z4Up (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Up z)
z4Down (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Down z)
z4Left (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Left z)
z4Right (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap z3Right z)

instance Functor Z4 where
  fmap f (Z4 z) = Z4 (fmap (fmap f) z)

instance Comonad Z4 where
  extract (Z4 z) = extract . extract $ z
  duplicate =
    Z4 . fmap (Z3 . fmap (Z2 . fmap horizontal . vertical) . depthical) . enclosical
      horizontal z = Z (iterate1 z4Left z) z (iterate1 z4Right z)
      vertical z = Z (iterate1 z4Up z) z (iterate1 z4Down z)
      depthical z = Z (iterate1 z4Backward z) z (iterate1 z4Forward z)
      enclosical z = Z (iterate1 z4Outward z) z (iterate1 z4Inward z)

inputTo4dGrid :: [[State]] -> Z4 State
inputTo4dGrid input = let
    z3 = inputTo3dGrid input
    inactiveVolume =
      Z3 $ Z (repeat inactivePlain) inactivePlain (repeat inactivePlain)
  in Z4 $ Z (repeat inactiveVolume) z3 (repeat inactiveVolume)

to4dMove :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> (Z4 a -> Z4 a)
to4dMove (x, y, z, w) = mkMove z4Left z4Right x
  . mkMove z4Up z4Down y
  . mkMove z4Backward z4Forward z
  . mkMove z4Outward z4Inward w

scanHyperVolume :: Int -> Z4 State -> Int
scanHyperVolume n =
  scan n(scan n (scan n (scan n scanPoint z4Right) z4Down) z4Forward) z4Inward

neighbours4d :: (Int, Int) -> Z4 State -> Int
neighbours4d (start, end) =
  scanHyperVolume (end - start + 1) . to4dMove (start, start, start, start)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let input = [ "..##.#.#"
              , ".#####.."
              , "#.....##"
              , "##.##.#."
              , "..#...#."
              , ".#..##.."
              , ".#...#.#"
              , "#..##.##"
      initialGridSize = length $ head input
      states = readInput input
      cycles = 6
      neighbours3d1 = neighbours3d (-1, 1)
      neighbours3dFinal = neighbours3d (-cycles, initialGridSize + cycles)
      neighbours4d1 = neighbours4d (-1, 1)
      neighbours4dFinal = neighbours4d (-cycles, initialGridSize + cycles)

    $ finalActiveCount cycles (mkRule neighbours3d1) neighbours3dFinal
    $ inputTo3dGrid states
    $ finalActiveCount cycles (mkRule neighbours4d1) neighbours4dFinal
    $ inputTo4dGrid states

Day 18

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/18


-- First, copy-paste the parser framework from day 7
-- Next, write a tokenizer for the input:
import Data.Functor (($>))
data Token = Num Int | Plus | Mult | LeftParen | RightParen | Eof deriving (Show, Eq)
tokenizer' = lookahead >>= \case
  Nothing -> pure Eof
  Just c -> case c of
    '(' -> consume $> LeftParen
    ')' -> consume $> RightParen
    '+' -> consume $> Plus
    '*' -> consume $> Mult
    _ -> Num <$> num
tokenizer = do
  t <- many space *> tokenizer' <* many space
  case t of
    Eof -> return [Eof]
    _   -> (t:) <$> tokenizer
tokenize = flip runParser tokenizer

-- Next, write a parser for the tokens:
data Expr = Literal Int | Binary Expr Token Expr | Grouping Expr deriving (Show)
import Data.Function (fix)
binary ops parser = parser >>= loop
    loop e = lookahead >>= \case
      Just op | op `elem` ops -> consume >> parser >>= loop . (Binary e op)
      _ -> return e
primary expr = lookahead >>= \case
  Just (Num n) -> consume >> return (Literal n)
  Just LeftParen -> grouping expr
grouping expr = consume *> expr <* consume
expr1 = fix $ binary [Plus, Mult] . primary

-- Next, write an interpreter for the expression:
interpret = \case
  Literal n -> n
  Grouping e -> interpret e
  Binary e1 Plus e2 -> interpret e1 + interpret e2
  Binary e1 Mult e2 -> interpret e1 * interpret e2
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
evaluate parser = tokenize >=> flip runParser parser >=> return . interpret
input <- lines <$> readFile "/tmp/input18"
inputSum expr = fmap sum . traverse (evaluate expr) $ input
inputSum expr1 -- part 1

-- Write a new parser for the input:
expr2 = fix $ binary [Mult] . binary [Plus] . primary
inputSum expr2 -- part 2

Day 19

Problem: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/19


import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P
import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlpha)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List (foldl1)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
data R = R :>: R | R :|: R | C Char | I Int deriving (Show)
ruleId = read <$> P.many1 (P.satisfy isDigit) :: P.ReadP Int
char = C <$> (P.char '"' *> P.satisfy isAlpha <* P.char '"')
id = I <$> ruleId
after = foldl1 (:>:) <$> id `P.sepBy` P.char ' '
or = (:|:) <$> after <*> (P.string " | " *> after)
rule = (,) <$> (ruleId <* P.string ": ") <*> ((or <|> after <|> id <|> char) <* P.eof)
parse parser = fst . head . P.readP_to_S parser
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
[ruls, msgs] <- splitOn "\n\n" <$> readFile "/tmp/input19"
rules = map (parse rule) . lines $ ruls
mkParser rules r = case r of
  C c -> P.char c
  I id -> mkParser rules . fromJust $ lookup id rules
  r1 :>: r2 -> mkParser rules r1 >> mkParser rules r2
  r1 :|: r2 -> mkParser rules r1 <|> mkParser rules r2

match rules inp = case P.readP_to_S (mkParser rules (I 0) <* P.eof) inp of
  [(_, "")] -> True
  _ -> False
length $ filter (match rules) $ lines msgs -- part 1

newRules = ["8: 42 | 42 8", "11: 42 31 | 42 11 31"]
rules' = map (parse rule) newRules ++ rules
length $ filter (match rules') $ lines msgs -- part 2