Taming the Thundering Herd with Redis
This article inspired me to write this python pseudo-code to solve the thundering herd problem with redis.
__RETRY = "::RETRY::"
def get(key, expiry_ms, min_wait_ms, max_wait_ms):
val = do_get(key, expiry_ms, min_wait_ms, max_wait_ms)
while val == __RETRY:
val = do_get(key, expiry_ms, min_wait_ms, max_wait_ms)
return val
def do_get(key, expiry_ms, min_wait_ms, max_wait_ms):
val = redis.GET(key)
if val is not None:
return val
set = redis.SET("promise." + key, 1, "PX " + max_wait_ms, "NX")
if set:
val = backend.get(key)
redis.SET(key, val, "PX " + expiry_ms)
return val
val = redis.GET(key)
if val is None:
sleep_ms = min_wait_ms + random.randint(0, int(min_wait_ms/10))
return __RETRY
return val
val = get("some_key", 300_000, 1_000, 10_000)